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Secrets of the Kingdom Economy is a book that defines the Kingdom world view for business, government, management and leadership. This compelling book reveals the timeless principles of the economic system God established for His people, beginning with the Exodus. Secrets of the Kingdom Economy is filled with biblical and prophetic insight, as well as, rich illustrations of the how to's. Using the Scripture as the basis in each chapter, Secrets of the Kingdom Economy outlines these powerful Kingdom principles in a clear, understandable way. This inspired book has the potential to change the way business and government is conducted. The book defines the two kingdoms that function simultaneously in our world today and their respective economic systems. Secrets of the Kingdom Economy will show you how to position yourself, as a leader, to receive the blessing of God in decision making, leadership and management, etc. You will discover the Kingdom Economy is vast in scope and comprehensive in nature and it's principles are up to date, forward thinking and available for us today. We are living in the days when God is restoring the things of His Kingdom. As we move into the greatest global economic challenges in history, it will become even more important to understand the privileges, as well as, the responsibilities of citizenship in the Kingdom of God. You will learn some of these governing principles of the Economic System of the Kingdom of God. The book will help you discover that God gives these biblical guidelines to His people so that they might be positioned to receive His wisdom, insight, and creativity in every area of their lives, including the workplace. This is a book for our day.