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The touch screen and stylus of the Nintendo DS are the ideal tools to simulate Okamidens trademark celestial brush. The stylus brushstrokes are pressure sensitive which helps to accurately depict the look and feel of Sumi-e artwork
Using the in-game Partner System, players can join forces with new characters in the game, each possessing unique abilities that will help Chibiterasu defeat enemies and conquer puzzles
The beauty of the highly stylized Japanese calligraphy and scroll paintings are depicted in pixel-perfect handheld glory
Employ brush techniques learned from various celestial deities and Power Slash, Bloom, and battle a diverse lineup of monsters and demons rooted in Japanese folklore
Draw bridges into existence, transverse canyons, and connect winding paths through space by using the celestial brush and the abilities of Chibiterasus partners


Okamiden is a picturesque action adventure game for the Nintendo DS. Taking place a few months after the events of Okami, Okamiden will follow the adventures of Chibiterasu a young sun god who is summoned to protect the land. Following in the footsteps of its parent Amaterasu, the sun-god-turned-wolf in Okami, Chibiterasu takes the form of an adorable wolf pup for the mission ahead. Chibiterasu will join forces with a rich cast of characters to fight off a new threat that has leeched the world of its vibrant color again. Beyond the battles, Chibiterasu and buddies will come to realize their inner potential and accept the kinship that comes with being the children of great heroes and gods.