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Changing times in the whole of Earth are reflected in this guidebook as new beginnings for humanity in this futuristic premise of new Triad relationship within adapting community consciousness. Poetry with prose summaries are complimented with blockquote expression throughout and all set out with chapter images that page by page can be used daily or even randomly chosen for guidance. Steps to higher manifestation are laid out introducing each chapter's format of phases of growth in consciousness. As each learns and adjusts to more awakened awareness, challenges are continuing to be met with more clarity to recognize surfacing issues and patterns that ultimately clear out with higher choices within Earths conscious evolution. But the acceleration of hereditary patterns continuing to surface, as many of these issues are coming into the light are challenging all to gradually learn that to truly manifest beyond the limitations in this world or for higher manifestation spiritually, means to aim for resolution of issues.

We are beginning a new kind of whole relationship within so that our struggles for expression and interaction are adapting as we continue to grow to a new level of cooperation and harmony for a higher togetherness for all relationship on Earth. As dimensional consciousness begins to come together or gradually converges in our world it brings the new paradigm of Triad community consciousness with this shift or grand awakening to a new multidimensional reality. Each feels the shift within as we remember or heal through the convergence of all timeline dimensional specialist layers of the OverSelf. Our issues or patterns are lifted to a greater awareness as we incorporate new combined strengths with our growth consciously.

Word Count: >35,000