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OptiWand inserts & removes soft contact lenses. Click the blue OptiWand next to product name at top of page to view all new instructional videos and see all of our products in our new Amazon store!
Use only as directed! Money back guarantee for anyone unable to use. Please view our videos at prior to purchase and read directions carefully to avoid the few troubles people have while using. We suggest starting with insertion to help build confidence before practicing removal.
It is not a suction cup for soft contact lenses as soft lenses are not a solid material. It is not a full closed cup so it will not remove hard or sclera lenses
Do not look up during insertion! The OptiWand is designed to hold the lens until placed on cornea where it rests naturally.
Practice and patience are a must to master but is worth it for those who struggle. The OptiWand makes a GREAT GIFT FOR FRIENDS YOU KNOW STRUGGLE DAILY! They are wasting stressful hours of their lives for no reason! Grab extras for work, car, or boat!


OptiWand 3 Pack soft contact lens insertion and removal tools.