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Boost Self Esteem: train children to overcome bedwetting and sleep dry; no more teasing by siblings and friends; a great boost to children's confidence and self esteem;
Habit Formation: simultaneous sound, vibration and LED indicator flashing alerts at the very first drop of moisture, wakens and motivates your child to finish urinating in bathroom and to form a habit in 4-12 weeks;
Doctor Recommended Effectiveness: FDA certified; clinically proven to cure enuresis in girls, boys and deep sleepers in weeks without medication; natural approach without side effects;
Fun Reward Systems: motivational Star Charts as positive reinforcement; Children will have fun and cooperate well.
Comfortable and Discreet: compact microprocessor controlled sensor will not poke or pinch; adjustable armband alarm fits on child's upper arm for comfortable sleep;


How do bedwetting alarms work?

The Brain and Physiology

Bedwetting alarms work on the principle of Conditioned Learning, which was discovered by Pavlov, a Russian psychologist in the early 1900s. He found that if a powerful stimulus is associated with a neutral one then after a time the neutral one acquires the same strength as the powerful one.
In his work with dogs Pavlov found that putting food in a dog's mouth was a powerful stimulus triggering the production of saliva. He then experimented with ringing a bell each time he gave the dog some food and after a time he found that simply ringing a bell would result in the dog producing saliva. People are also affected by this kind of learning . Whenever a powerful and neutral stimulus occur together a link is made.
In the case of bed wetters the sensation of a full bladder should trigger awakening but it doesn't. However, the sound of a loud noise can trigger waking and cause an immediate contraction of the external sphincter muscle which stops the flow of urine from the bladder. The solution is to pair up the feeling of a full bladder with a loud noise so that, in time, the sensation of a full bladder will do the waking just like a loud noise.

VeeMon Bedwetting Alarm sounds and vibrates at the first sign of moisture. It conditions the child to quickly recognize bladder fullness, so he or she can get to the toilet and finish urinating. Complete success usually takes just 4 to 12 weeks.

Star Charts as Positive Reinforcement

Star charts represents incremental improvements, which will add up to a better bedwetting treatment. Children will have fun and cooperate well.