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From Bob Burton a former member of both the civilian and military intelligence communities and Americas most feared bounty hunter comes the complete lexicon of over 800 terms and meanings used in international and covert espionage. Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence includes the most up-to-date terminology of special operations from A to Z, including:

Breaktime: The time it takes to break down he resistance level of a subject in an interrogation of a brutal nature usually 5-7 hours
Hero Project: A project, operation, or extraction considered too dangerous, with only the most skilled personnel able to pull it off.
Cake or Death: An unspoken but soon-realized ultimatum that a prisoner of the spook war understands as his personal fate cooperate or die.

Compiled by a man who knows covert action and clandestine warfare from the inside out, Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence is a perfect compendium of the secret language spoken by those who fight the silent war.