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LIGHT AND FLEXIBLE:Lobe Miracleallows women with torn piercings to wear earrings at the top of the holes, by supporting the weight from behind the lobe. Since earrings no longer rest on the bottom of the holes, further tearing is inhibited.
MAKES WEARING EARRINGS MORE COMFORTABLE: Takes major weight of earring off the hole itself by distributing the weight more evenly.
EASY, DISCREET AND UNDETECTABLE: Clear adhesive patch simply applies to the earlobe and is hidden when earring is in place.
HIDE TORN OR STRETCHED EARLOBES: Prevents more tears or stretching in the future.
PREVENTS EARRINGS FROM SLIPPING OR SLIDING: Prevent damaged piercings from ruining your favorite earrings.


Size:Pack of 4 Lobe Wonder Support Patches work to repair the appearance of torn, damaged and stretched ear lobes instantly! Worn behind your ear lobe, these invisible patches are the perfect remedy to the problem of heavy pierced earrings tearing and stretching your ear lobes. Each self adhesive oval patch is super-reinforced with a criss-cross network to strengthen and support ear lobes. Your ear lobes will look natural, not stretched and dragged down by the weight of heavy earrings.